Calling all Albany New York residents. Send the following message to all below now:
Message:{DO NOT VETO the funding for Public Bath #2. Give it another year to allow grants that have been found to fund the bath, Keeping it open for its intended purpose and start the city programs planned for the South End that never happened. Thank you}
Share this post w/everyone you know.
We need the common council and the mayor's help today to keep the bath open, and they will need our help tomorrow to keep their jobs.
Dominick Calsolaro Ward 1 - dcalsolaro@nycap.rr.com
Lester Freeman Ward 2 - Friends4freeman@yahoo.com
Ronald E. Bailey Ward 3 - Lbailey005@nycap.rr.com
Barbara Smith Ward 4 - BarbaraSmith4@aol.com
Jacqueline Jenkins-Cox Ward 5 - jjenkinscox@yahoo.com
Richard Conti Ward 6 - Rc6thward@aol.com
Catherine Fahey Ward 7 - cathyfahey7@yahoo.com
John Rosenzweig Ward 8 - Rosenzweig8@nycap.rr.com
James Sano Ward 9 - Jsano15@aol.com
Leah Golby Ward 10 - leah.golby@gmail.com
Anton Konev Ward 11 - konevforcouncil@gmail.com
Michael O'Brien Ward 12 - twelfward@aol.com
Daniel Herring Ward 13 - danherring47@hotmail.com
Joseph Igoe Ward 14 - Jigoe19932@aol.com
Frank Commisso, Jr. Ward 15 - commisso.frank@gmail.com
Carolyn McLaughlin (Common Council President) - onlybelv@aol.com
Mayor Jennings - mayor@ci.albany.ny.us
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