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Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Thank You
I would like to say thank you to all of my supporters over the years, and to all my campaign volunteers who worked so hard in achieving our mission and we did just that. We definitely had the best campaign of them all this year, and I personally feel that we won, based on the fact that we did our best, and made even more people aware of the problems that face our residents. We won because even more residents now know that I had the resolutions to the issues; we won because we did not cave in and quit running due to the wrongdoing that was done to my campaign and family, and yes this is all true, we held strong over these past five years and still ran. No one can take that away from us, no matter how hard they tried to threaten us, and my campaign workers jobs. We won, because we had the strength and courage to continue on and that is the sign of a true leader, none of my other opponents would have been able to do that; and to those who said "over my dead body will you run for mayor again", well I did it, and your not dead yet. My message here is clear to all young people and everyone alike, that if you want to do something in your life, because you want to, do not let anyone stand in your way of it. Those that knock it, mock it and make fun of you for it, are just jealous and insecure with themselves that they would not be strong enough to do something like that, and so they can't have anyone else do that either, for it makes them feel uncomfortable and bad about themselves and gives them a false sense of control and superiority by degrading you about it. Be strong and fight on; you never know who you will inspire by your positive actions. I hope that I have inspired many residents. Even though the election is over, my fight for the residents will never die, and I will be venturing into another avenue for the residents. Any future candidates that want to run for mayor or any position who need assistance, advice, etc. please contact me at Thank you again, but unfortunately, I have to say this, now you are once again in the hands of a reprobative city government.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Write In Vote Directions For Old Voting Machines

The Budget - The connection between reduction in services and your tax money

reduction in services
Crime needs to be eradicated today. Ask yourself why is crime so rampant in our city under Jennings administration? First, crime is general nonviolent crimes such as burglary, car crimes, fraud and similar crimes; and violent crimes are typically murder, rape and muggings. Listen carefully when the incumbent tries to appease the residents so they feel more at ease when he deceives you by giving the illusion that crime is down, because violent crime is listed separately and is on the rise. Crime happens in a city because of two people, the incumbent mayor and the chief of police. These two work hand in hand, and in any city you live in where there is crime, you now know who to blame. That is why you need to know the viewpoints of the candidates that are running for any office, because it will give you insight on the road they will lead you down. Thousands of residents need to and want to get off of the road Jennings has us on by electing a new mayor, especially when Jennings has repeatedly told us, he is staying the course and not changing and is continuing on that course saying he is moving Albany forward. Albany cannot move forward until the issues that anger the residents are addressed and eradicated. Jennings is saying that he is looking past the problems, stepping over them by moving forward. There must be some political or personal gain for him in doing so, because no rational thinking person would continue on that path. This is how things work as shocking as it is, you need to look at the fact that crime and hospitals go hand in hand. Hospitals are in the business of making money, and it shows by their expansions and bonds for parking garages to allow even more people. The point is that violent crime has a positive affect on racial tension, which can lead to stabbings, shootings, and even death. That same violent crime has a positive affect on hospital overcrowding because at some point, everyone will need medical attention ASAP. Violent crime affects everyone and especially the retired due to hospital overcrowding, due to violent crimes. You, parents and retired residents are losing out, especially if you have to come by ambulance, causing longer wait times for you and you end up waiting in the hallways when they get to the hospitals because rooms are taken. We need to have either more ambulances to cover every senario with the one ambulance company, or my plans that the city needs to purchase their own ambulances that can be dispatched out at the same time with the fire/ems crew or police call; it will save time and more importantly, it will save the lives of all our residents, plus save money by not contracting out for that service. We also have community policing issues, which is suppose to encourage the police to work with the community and to integrate more with and understand the needs of the community and is typically used in areas with ethnic minorities. Ellis says we need community policing out once side of his mouth, and the other side is saying that we need the residents and officers to build trust with each other. Well then, since there are currently trust issues with a large percentage of residents with police, this should tell him that community policing is not currently working, and that he needs to come up with a plan B, which he has none; and now is not the time for him to become nostalgic because they had it when he was young. Based on where he says he lived, those areas had something which is known as neighbhorhood police, which is something totally different, and many other areas in the city never had neighbohood policing, so don't confuse the two. Community policing may work in certain areas, where the residents do not fear retaliation and would typically talk to an officer anyway, but not in all areas especially when residents are fearful of retaliation for snitching which is not currently working, which is the current mode of operation of Jennings and company. I would focus more money on more direct methods to cut crime. Studies have shown that community policing when done in higher crime areas, has caused an increase in non-violent and violent crimes. We need to have the "beat cop" officers back on the streets, more patrol cars/officers working around the clock to protect our city's borders as well as inside the city, we need a city budget that allocates sufficient monies for overtime of patrolling officers, and not just for detail work officers who may be working at the Pepsi Arena. We need more police dogs in higher crime areas patroling with the "beat cop" officers as well. The crime is having a negative impact on our city's earnings, so if we reduce the crime we increase our money usage for other things saving the residents money. We also have the issue of internet crimes that are on the rise with computer viruses that no longer simply break the target computer, but hide themselves and steal the users private information until detected, often to steal bank passwords or commit identity fraud, or by hijacking that computer and using it to perform further crime that's difficult to trace back to the original source. Many of us here have experienced problems when our banks notified us of a problem and needed to get new debit cards. This is a growing area of concern that needs more focus, and I will provide for that with my plans as well. We ultimately need to establish order and a state of safety and protection for all our residents, and a new mayor and chief of police is the only way this will happen. Tuffey only recently stepped down, but the problems are still here. We are all connected to each other one way or another and so are the issues in our city. You cannot say anymore that it doesn't affect me, its not in my neighborhood, because it does affect you. That is why I ask you for your write-in vote on November 3rd. If we don't start seeing things differently, we will never truly see what is happening. As Abraham Lincoln once said, "Ballots are the rightful and peaceful successors to bullets." Please come on out to vote on November 3rd to change your city to the better.
Monday, September 14, 2009
My literature minus the graphics
Hello, I'm Benzie Johnson. You may remember that I am a Democrat who ran for Mayor in 2005. The Bottom Line is that Albany cannot move forward until the issues that anger the residents are addressed and eradicated and as your mayor I will do that and more. The residents needs, well-being and safety come first, not their pockets. My administration will transform how Albany operates from the inside out, by establishing new levels of standards for a functional, uncorrupt city government and demanding a level of performance in service that will meet the residents expectations and exceed them. I will not be part of the status quo. I have no ties to the incumbent and will not continue his methods of operation like my opponents. I, like thousands of you are ready for life after the incumbent and having a safe, prosperous life in an affordable Albany and that's why I'm running for Mayor to make that a reality; to give peace of mind back to our residents; establish a state of order, safety and protection for all, in a newly rebuilt city now, not 20 years from now. I have great concern for the needs and welfare of the residents, not a political agenda like my opponents. I bring innovation, strong leadership qualities, and self-motivation to the table. I have the dedication, vision, commitment and responsibility necessary to represent our diverse residents and to get the job done once and for all. Your vote for a new effective mayor will welcome new opportunities and possibilities for a functional administrative body in city hall and a thriving self-sustaining community, that has not been in existence for the past 16 years. We need to be more than just residents of Albany, we need to become active participants in our own life's course with the city's government. We are worthy of much more, than what the incumbent has dished out to us. Maybe residents aren't angry enough, because they keep on complaining about the same problems they are accepting, by becoming complacent with them, standing by and allowing them to continue. Ask yourself, what course of action do you plan on taking to improve your life's situation, to change your experiences within the city? Let's start by electing a new mayor who will reopen the police stations, like I will. Do you keep gettin angry with the same problems under the current mayor? Then on Nov. 3rd, take your anger to the voting booths and turn it into a positive experience; vote by writing in Benzie Johnson. I will be a mayor who will satisfy the residents expectations, so the residents will be able to satisfy their ambitions. We cannot keep electing/appointing people repeatedly, who are on all the same committees and task forces and expect a different end result; it's not going to happen. One can make a difference, change how and what you do, to get the end results you need. See the contrasts between the candidates and vote accordingly. Write in your vote - Benzie Johnson! Life after the incumbent is only your vote away on Nov. 3rd show your power by writing in your vote for Benzie Johnson.
You already have certain expectations of how you want your city to be for your, and how you need to be treated by a new mayor. I ask that you take action on your expectations, by writing in your vote for Benzie Johnson. My innovative plans of action will make the necessary improvements in all areas, to turn this city around from its downward spiral, putting an end to an era of political strong-arm tactics and the roadblocks that impeded Albany's progress. By my running for mayor, I have reinstilled hope and the "will to win" in the residents because the residents know they will win, when I am mayor. I am the optimum choice for mayor, the one who understands that the residents are the key and that I back the residents, not a political organizations agenda. Don't let your choice be made for you by not voting. Choose to have a new positive experience, vote Benzie Johnson, the clear choice for mayor with the optimal direction for Albany. Win one for yourself. Obtaining it starts with the power of your write in vote.
After tomorrow, I will post easy directions on how to do a write in vote.
One Can Make a Positive Difference Change How and What You Do To Get The Result You Need!
Have you already made plans for what your new mayor is going to be accomplishing for You?
Remember What top 5 issues anger you about the city that needs to be addressed to help your personal situation in Albany. The incumbent's "Better Albany" is not good enough and his promises aer empty and unfulfilled, leaving the residents dissatisfied - it's simply not working. It's one reason I'm running for For Mayor. All residents in favor of a "Safe, Prosperous Life in an Affordable Albany" let me know. I invite you to e-mail,, and call my "Speak Up" voice message line, (518) 512-1329, to acknowledge your support, give suggestions and voice your concerns. When you call, the "Speak Up" line will give you an informational message about where I will be during My Community Forum Tour. My Direct Access line, (518) 253-1028, will give you the accessibility and convenience you need to speak directly with me on the city's issues, now and throughout my entire term as mayor. Choose a positive mayoral experience that will leave you with more money in your wallet, satisfied with service, safer, plus no strong-arm tactics are required with Johnson as Mayor. Let's Make History Together Elect Benzie Johnson Our Mayor.
This is my literature, including the previous post of reasons to vote Johnson, that has been handed out, minus the write in instructions that I will post after the primary. For all those that did not receive it, I am making it readily available here to read, and I thank you for your support and efforts. May your Choice be Johnson.
Friday, September 4, 2009
The Optimum Choice for Mayor w/ the Optimal Direction for Albany
Reasons to Vote Benzie Johnson our Mayor:
1. Transform How Albany Operates from the Inside Out
2. Establish new levels of standards for a functional, uncorrupt city government and demand a level of performance in service that will meet the residents expectations and exceed them.
3. Rebuild the entire City within a 4-8 year window.
4. Eliminate the "red-tape" for getting in on bids & make it easier for entrepreneurial plumbers, electricians, etc. to obtain permits to work in Albany.
5. Open an employment training center for all ages.
6. Partner up with residents to start up businesses in each neighborhood. Entrepreneurship is one key to a thriving self-sustaining community. I will not wait for businesses to come to Albany, together we will start them ourselves. Responsibility Gets the Job Done!
7. I will give peace of mind back to our residents by establishing a state of order, out of the current chaos within our city and by establishing a state of safety and protection for all residents in our neighborhoods, by appointing a new chief of police and reopening both stations; and hiring more police officers to cover all shifts. (Even though Tuffey has since stepped down as of this post, I will still appoint a new chief of police).
8. Equip all police vehicles with audio and video dashcams.
9. Bring on board more police dogs that sniff out other materials, such as gunpowder.
10. Change the officers daily operations; and have more effective supervisors on all levels and implement a new level of standards for officers to abide by that will be enforced.
11. Resolve neighborhood flooding using permeable pavers, installing a combined pipe system, (where needed), and "greening"
our rooftops and curbsides which gives another layer of water absorption, and putting in cutouts in curbing to allow another outlet for rainwater absorption. (I am the only candidate speaking about this, Jennings administration in a TU article on Elberon Place stated that there was nothing you could do about it, it was going to continue to happen. Once my literature circulated, jennings people flip-flopped on this issue and said that they would get federal money to solve the problem, and put in water retention ponds. When I talked to the media about this issue, then jennings administration was going to then put in the now water basins. It seems that I always have to show the solutions, in order to get jennings to say or act upon anything.
12. Snow removal - the city under my administration will clean the sidewalks, roads and corners for year long accessibility for everyone.
13. Together we will refinance you household budget deficit caused by the incumbent's irresponsible and excessive tax and spend plan, by lowering property taxes, reducing fees and fines and eliminating many parking meters and paid city lots.
14. I opposed the landfill expansion; we need proper recycling methods of household and construction waster materials, along with shredding it; have a materials recovery facility and enforcing our recycling methods with other municipalities intake to eliminate early fill up, or no more outside intake.
This information is on my literature, and I will post the rest in the coming days.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Formal Public Announcement
On Wednesday, August 19, 2009, I will be holding a press conference with Channel News 9 and the Times Union to announce formally, that I am running for mayor of albany in November's 2009 election as a write-in candidate. This is to squash all rumors and misinformation that is on the web, stating that I dropped out of the race when Shawn Morris did. This is totally untrue. If people look back at my announcement in April, it clearly stated that I was not running in the primary, I was running in November 3rd's election. The best way to beat the machine of politics, is to run as a write-in candidate. They cannot challenge your petitions, or try to knock you off of the ballot. The best way for fair, honest candidates, who truly have the best interests of the residents as their priorty number one, is to run as a write-in. In the coming few weeks, I will have the instructions on my blog to let everyone know how to do a write-in vote. A new change for Albany, needs to start with a new way of voting. Write in Benzie Johnson on November 3rd for Mayor. The residents still have their choice for mayor with myself. Again my phone lines continue to be there for you, Direct Line 253-1028, and my Speak Up line, if you would like to leave a message about the city's issues 512-1329. Again I Thank you.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Choices and Experiences - Part II

Food for thought: Experience #1: Can you park in front of your own house? Do you have to pay to park your car overnight; or if you live downtown, and you were home sick for the day, did you have to find an alternative spot to park, just to avoid a ticket? Is the incumbent trying to get parking meters installed in your neighborhood, in front of your house? Have you ever parked you car in a legitimate parking space, only to come outside to see that your car was towed anyway, and possibly while you were not looking, no parking signs were put in place, because of an event, snow removal, or overnight work, and then the incumbent's people lie to you when you inquire about it? Are you tired of being parking metered to death at every turn? Experience #2: Have you ever called the mayor's office, and you could not believe the unprofessional manner in which your call was handled? Are you tired of the run around? Are you tired of messages never reaching their destination? Experience #3: Do you wish you had the authority to do something about those boarded up buildings on your block? The incumbent did, and you see where we are today, because of it. Experience #4: Have you ever been harassed by certain police officers? Have they ever said to you that you don't look like you live here, you better go home, move along, and you were standing in front of your own house the whole time? I will put cops out on the street that know their job and can apply that knowledge in any situation. I am here to serve and protect the residents civil liberties. Experience #5: Has your car or walkway ever been plowed in by the City after you just shoveled out? Has it ever made you miss an appointment, or make you late for work or school because of it? Did it cause you to feel frustrated and angry? Are you tired of waiting for the bus out in the road, putting your safety at risk, because the snow banks are too high, and the pedestrian walkway or corner is not shoveled out? Are you tired of missing the bus, because of high snow banks and because the bus driver won't wait until you find a way around the snow bank, just leaving you there out in the cold? If the snow banks weren't there, you would have made the bus right? Remember that I am aligned with the residents and the issues that affect their personal situations. Safety of the residents is a priority. Experience #6: Has your car ever been towed without advanced public notice due to an event, an emergency, or snow removal? Is this the only way the city can generate revenue, off the residents" backs? Are you tired of getting parking tickets during snow emergencies? Are you tired of the inconveniences the incumbent is putting you through, just to make a buck off of you? When I am mayor, towing will be a last resort during the winter months for snow removal, the plows will go around your car, and the city is going to remove the majority of the snow from around your vehicle also. I, like thousands of you are tired of the incumbent and his ways. The incumbent always has a blind eye, or a deaf ear too conveniently to what his people are doing. If a plow comes through four times during the day on your street, and the snow stopped falling, then the job was done during the day right? So why would a plow come through again for a fifth attempt in the evening to redo a side that is already done? The answer, wasteful spending, unnecessary overtime payments, and also so the police could write tickets to get even more of your money. The police car in my area did not use a bullhorn to let residents know to move their cars, contrary to what the incumbent says happens, it's not happening. The message from the incumbent is buckle under or pay the price. The tickets are just a blatant abuse of authority with flagrant disregard to the residents. Fight back by booting the incumbent out of office. Your wallet will thank you. I have the perception necessary to eradicate many aggrieved residents grievances. I think about the people and their situation first. The incumbent has done nothing about many of these experiences I have heard about, or experienced myself for 16 years. People are through with the incumbent and his snail's pace, they are not going to wait anymore. You have the authority with the power of your vote, to change these experiences into positives ones. It is time to elect a person people trust to get the job done once and for all. Don't let your choice be made for you by not voting. Choose to Vote! Choose Benzie Johnson, he is the optimum choice for mayor, with plans for the optimal direction for Albany.

Sustainability and Our City Streets; and Solving the flooding issue:

Friday, June 19, 2009
Choices and Experiences - Cut Jennings Out

My Direct Access Line (518) 253-1028

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Get to the root give the mayor the boot

Blight - Part II

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Blighted Neighborhoods and the loss of the Lawson's home because of it

Friday, June 12, 2009
Community Forum Tour - Site Info

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

- Is the incumbent running the City satisfactorily, meeting an adequate standard?
- Is the incumbent and his administration showing consideration or thoughtfulness to the residents in voicing their opinions in relation to the city?
- Is the incumbent committed to improving the lives of all residents in Albany?
- Does the incumbent have concern for the needs, well-being, and interests of the residents first?
- Is it necessary for you to vote for the incumbent because you are obligated to, or you will lose your job within the city or elsewhere or you will lose certain privileges to use within the city? If you answered yes to any part of that question, then you need to free yourself from the chains that you are binding yourself with.
- Is the incumbent an impractical person, who rejects the considerations of the residents in pursuit of his own personal and political agenda - in which his ethical decision making needs to be questioned?
Friday, June 5, 2009
The Bottom Line

My Innovative Plans of Action Will Make the Necessary Improvements the incumbent hasn't in 16 years.
We need to be more than just residents of Albany. We need to become active participants in our own life's course with the City's government. We are worthy of much more, than what the incumbent has dished out to us. Maybe residents aren't angry enough, because they keep on complaining about the same problems they are accepting, by becoming complacent with them, standing by and allowing them to continue. Ask yourself, what course of action do you plan on taking to improve your life's situation, to change your experiences within the city? Let's start by electing a new mayor who will reopen the police stations, and who will appoint a new chief of police, like I will. Do you keep getting angry with the same problems under the current mayor? Then, take your anger to the voting booths, and turn it into a positive experience and vote Johnson. Remember What Top Five Issues Anger You About The City and Vote. All residents in favor of a "Safe, Prosperous Life in an Affordable Albany" let me know. I invite you to e-mail me any questions you may want answered privately, and call my "Speak Up" Message Line to leave a message to acknowledge your support, give suggestions & voice your concerns. When you call, the "Speak Up" Message Line will give you an informational message about upcoming events, meetings and where I will be during My Community Forum Tour, which will let you know when I will be in your area. This blog will also give you this information. My Direct Access line will give you the accessibility and convenience you need to speak directly with me, now and throughout my entire term as Mayor. E-Mail:
Call: (518) 512-1329 "Speak Up" message line
Call: (518) 253-1028 Direct Access line
Thursday, June 4, 2009

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